Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Let me start off this blog by introducing myself and the family. We are an army family that is constantly on the go. The hubby and I love the outdoors and all the craziness that comes with being an army family on the move. We both like to DIY whether is be household options, gardening, crafting, or canning. Things can get a little crazy around the house and we are constantly kept on out toes with our daughter. Our baby girl, we'll call her Little Bird, is 9 months old and a trooper. She keeps us busy while keeping us laughing every day. She is our gift from God and we are so blessed to have her in our lives.
We have been stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia the past three years and just got orders to move to Fort Wainwright, Alaska. We are beyond excited to have the opportunity to live in America's Last Frontier. We cannot wait to get there. Plus, the trip will be an adventure in itself with two dogs and a baby.
We want to use this blog to keep everyone posted on the going ons in our lives so keep an eye out for new posted either daily or weekly